Arborist The Heights

How To Remove Tree Roots From Lawn? – Ultimate Guide

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A lush, green lawn is the pride of any homeowner, but when invasive tree roots start encroaching on your carefully manicured turf, it can be a cause for concern. Tree roots can wreak havoc on your lawn, causing damage to the grass, creating uneven surfaces, and even leading to safety hazards. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively remove tree roots from your lawn and reclaim your green oasis.

Why Remove Tree Roots Matters?

You might wonder why it’s essential to deal with remove tree roots in your lawn. Well, there are several good reasons:

  1. Damage to Your Lawn: As tree roots grow and expand, they can disrupt the soil structure, making it challenging for grass and other plants to thrive. This can result in brown patches, uneven terrain, and an overall unhealthy appearance for your lawn.
  2. Tripping Hazards: Raised tree roots can create tripping hazards, especially for children and elderly family members. Removing them not only improves aesthetics but also enhances safety.
  3. Infrastructure Damage: In some cases, tree roots can infiltrate underground utilities, causing costly damage to pipes, sewer lines, or foundations. By addressing root issues promptly, you can prevent these costly repairs.
  4. Landscape Enhancement: Once you’ve successfully removed tree roots, you’ll have the opportunity to revitalize your landscape, whether it’s with a fresh layer of sod, new plantings, or other landscaping projects.

Understanding Remove Tree Roots

Before we delve into the practical aspects of removing tree roots from your lawn, it’s important to understand the nature of tree roots and why they can become problematic. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions about root removal and prevention.

The Function of Tree Roots

Tree roots serve several vital functions for trees, including:

Anchorage: Roots anchor the tree to the ground, providing stability, especially during strong winds and storms.

Water and Nutrient Absorption: Roots absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil, which are then transported to the rest of the tree.

Energy Storage: Some roots, like taproots and storage roots, store energy reserves for the tree to use during periods of stress or when new growth occurs.

Root Growth: Roots also play a role in the tree’s growth and expansion, both vertically and horizontally.

Growth Patterns

Understanding how tree roots grow is crucial for dealing with root problems in your lawn. Here are some key points about root growth patterns:

Radial Growth: Most tree roots grow radially outward from the base of the tree. These roots are responsible for absorbing water and nutrients from the surrounding soil.

Depth: Tree roots can extend deep into the ground, but the majority of them are found in the top 12-18 inches of soil, where nutrients are most abundant.

Surface Roots: Some tree species, like oaks and maples, are known for developing surface roots, which can be especially problematic for lawns.

Why Tree Roots Can Be Problematic?

While tree roots are essential for the tree’s survival, they can become problematic for your lawn due to the following reasons:

Competition with Grass: Tree roots can outcompete grass for water and nutrients, leading to thinning or dying grass in affected areas.

Disrupting Soil Structure: As roots grow, they can disrupt the soil, making it compacted and less suitable for healthy grass growth.

Surface Protrusion: Surface roots can create uneven terrain, making mowing and lawn care more challenging and increasing the risk of tripping hazards.

Assessing the Situation

Before you embark on the journey of removing tree roots from your lawn, it’s crucial to assess the situation thoroughly. Understanding the extent of the root infiltration will help you choose the right removal method and plan your approach accordingly. Here are the key steps to assess the situation:

Signs and Symptoms of Root Damage

Thinning Grass: Take note of areas in your lawn where the grass appears thinner or weaker. Tree roots may be competing with the grass for essential nutrients, resulting in poor growth.

Raised Soil: Observe if there are any noticeable bumps or raised areas in your lawn. This could indicate that tree roots have pushed the soil upward, creating an uneven surface.

Surface Roots: Look for exposed tree roots on the lawn’s surface. Some tree species are more prone to developing surface roots, which can be problematic.

Cracks in Pavement: If you have nearby pavement or concrete structures like sidewalks or driveways, check for any cracks or damage that could be caused by tree roots growing underneath.

Unusual Patterns: Pay attention to any irregular patterns in your lawn’s growth, such as areas that consistently dry out faster or remain soggy even after rain.

Tools and Equipment for Assessment

To assess the situation effectively, you may need the following tools and equipment:

Garden Trowel or Shovel: These tools are handy for gently digging into the soil to locate and examine tree roots.

Garden Hose: Use a hose to water your lawn thoroughly, which can help reveal the extent of root damage by highlighting areas with poor water absorption.

Aerator: An aerator can be used to create holes in the lawn, allowing for better water penetration and root examination.

Marking and Documenting

As you assess your lawn for tree root issues, consider the following:

Mark Affected Areas: Use small flags or stakes to mark areas where you suspect root problems. This will help you keep track of the locations that require attention.

Take Photos: Document the affected areas with photographs. This will provide a visual record of the situation and help you plan your removal strategy.

Preparation and Safety

Before you dive into the actual removal of tree roots from your lawn, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and make necessary preparations. Remove tree roots can be physically demanding and potentially hazardous, so taking the right precautions is essential. Here’s how to prepare and ensure your safety:

Safety Precautions

Wear Protective Gear: Ensure you have the appropriate safety gear, including work gloves, safety goggles, long pants, and sturdy footwear with slip-resistant soles. This attire will protect you from potential injuries.

Check for Utility Lines: Before digging, contact your local utility companies to mark the locations of underground utility lines like gas, water, and electrical cables. This will prevent accidental damage during root removal.

Stay Hydrated: Tree root removal can be physically demanding work. Stay hydrated by having a supply of water on hand and taking regular breaks.

Avoid Overexertion: Don’t overexert yourself when remove tree roots. If a root is too large or challenging to handle, consider seeking professional assistance.

Work with a Buddy: If possible, have someone else present while you work on root removal. They can assist in case of an emergency or provide support when handling heavy roots.

Gathering the Right Tools

Depending on the chosen removal method (mechanical, chemical, or natural decomposition), you’ll need specific tools and equipment. Here’s a basic list of tools you might require:

Root Saw or Axe: For mechanical removal, a sturdy root saw or axe will be necessary to cut through the roots.

Spade or Shovel: These tools are essential for digging around and under the roots.

Safety Glasses: Protect your eyes from debris and flying particles while working.

Protective Barrier: If you’re using chemicals, you’ll need a protective barrier to prevent overspray onto desirable plants or surfaces.

Watering Can or Sprayer: For chemical removal, you’ll need a watering can or sprayer to apply the root-killing solution.

Mulch or Covering Material: If opting for natural decomposition, you’ll need mulch or covering material to create a barrier over the roots.

Planning and Organizing

Create a Work Plan: Plan your root removal process, taking into account the size and location of the roots, as well as the removal method you’ve chosen.

Set Up a Workspace: Organize your tools and equipment near the work area to minimize the need for frequent trips back and forth.

Dispose of Roots Properly: Decide how you’ll dispose of the removed roots. Some cities have specific guidelines for green waste disposal, so check with your local waste management authorities.

By prioritizing safety, gathering the necessary tools, and planning your approach, you’ll be well-prepared to begin the tree root removal process. In the next sections, we’ll explore different methods for removing tree roots and provide step-by-step instructions for each method.

How to Remove Tree Roots from Lawn? 3 Methods

When it comes to remove tree roots from your lawn, you have several methods to choose from. The best approach depends on the size of the roots, their location, and your preference for natural or more immediate removal.

Here are the three primary methods for removing tree roots:

1. Mechanical Removal

Tools Required:

  • Root saw or axe
  • Spade or shovel
  • Safety goggles
  • Work gloves

Steps for Mechanical Removal

Identify the Roots: Locate the tree roots you want to remove. Clear the area around the roots to get a better view.

Safety First: Put on safety goggles and work gloves to protect your eyes and hands during the process.

Cut the Roots: Use a sharp root saw or axe to carefully cut through the root. Start with smaller roots and work your way up to larger ones.

Dig Around the Roots: Once the root is cut, dig around it using a spade or shovel. This will help you access the root for removal.

Remove the Root: Gently pry the root out of the ground using the spade or shovel. Be patient and take care not to damage nearby plants or structures.

Fill the Hole: After removing the root, fill the hole with soil and compact it to level the ground.

2. Chemical Removal

Tools Required:

  • Root-killing chemical (e.g., glyphosate-based herbicide)
  • Watering can or sprayer
  • Safety goggles
  • Protective barrier (to shield nearby plants)

Steps for Chemicaly Remove tree roots

Identify the Roots: Locate the tree roots you want to remove and clear the area around them.

Prepare the Chemical Solution: Mix the root-killing chemical according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Wear safety goggles and protective clothing while handling chemicals.

Apply the Solution: Carefully apply the chemical to the exposed roots, ensuring complete coverage. Be cautious not to let the solution touch desirable plants.

Wait for Results: It may take several weeks for the chemical to take effect and kill the roots. Monitor the progress regularly.

Remove Dead Roots: Once the roots are dead and no longer a threat, you can proceed to remove them using the mechanical method described in section 5A.

3. Natural Decomposition

Tools Required:

  • Mulch or covering material (e.g., wood chips, cardboard)
  • Lawn mower or garden tiller (optional)

Steps for Natural Decomposition:

Identify the Roots: Locate the tree roots causing issues in your lawn.

Prepare the Area: Clear any debris or grass around the roots to create a workspace.

Apply Mulch: Cover the exposed roots with a layer of mulch or covering material. This prevents sunlight from reaching the roots and encourages decomposition.

Monitor and Maintain: Keep the area covered for several months, periodically checking the progress of decomposition. If necessary, mow over the mulched area or use a garden tiller to speed up the process.

Replant or Restore: Once the roots have decomposed sufficiently, you can reseed, resod, or replant the area to restore your lawn.

Choose the removal method that best suits your needs and resources. Regardless of the method you choose, it’s essential to exercise caution, wear appropriate safety gear, and follow the recommended guidelines for effective root removal. In the following sections, we’ll explore tips for preventing future root problems and restoring your lawn to its full potential.

Tips for Preventing Future Root Problems

Now that you’ve successfully removed tree roots from your lawn, it’s important to take steps to prevent similar issues in the future. Here are some valuable tips to help you maintain a healthy lawn and minimize the likelihood of root problems:

Strategic Landscaping and Tree Placement

Choose Suitable Tree Species: When planting new trees in your yard, opt for species with less aggressive root systems. Research and consult with local experts to select trees that are less likely to cause problems.

Proper Spacing: Plant trees at a sufficient distance from your house, sidewalks, and other structures to prevent root intrusion. Guidelines for spacing vary by tree species, so consult a nursery or arborist for advice.

Consider Raised Beds: If you want to plant trees near your lawn, consider using raised beds or large containers. These can help contain root growth and reduce the risk of damage.

Regular Tree Maintenance

Pruning: Regularly prune your trees to maintain their health and shape. Pruning can also help reduce the growth of invasive surface roots.

Root Barriers: Install root barriers made of plastic or metal around the perimeter of trees with aggressive root systems. These barriers can redirect root growth away from sensitive areas like your lawn.

Mulching: Apply mulch around the base of your trees to conserve moisture, regulate soil temperature, and discourage grass growth near the tree’s roots.

Ongoing Lawn Care

Aerate Your Lawn: Periodically aerate your lawn to improve soil compaction and promote better water penetration. This can make it more challenging for tree roots to encroach on your grass.

Proper Watering: Water your lawn deeply but less frequently to encourage grass roots to grow deep, making them less vulnerable to competition from tree roots.

Regular Fertilization: Fertilize your lawn appropriately to keep it healthy and resilient against root competition.

Vigilance and Maintenance

Regular Inspections: Keep an eye on your lawn for signs of new root intrusion or other issues. Early detection can make remove tree roots easier.

Address Issues Promptly: If you notice signs of root problems or other tree-related issues, take action promptly to prevent further damage.

Consult with Experts: When in doubt or if you encounter persistent root problems, consult with an arborist or landscape professional. They can provide expert advice and solutions.

By implementing these preventative measures and maintaining a proactive approach to lawn care, you can enjoy a healthier, more resilient lawn that is less susceptible to future root problems.

Restoring Your Lawn

After successfully removing tree roots from your lawn, it’s time to focus on restoring the beauty and health of your green space. Here are the steps to bring your lawn back to its former glory:

Repairing the Damaged Areas

Assess the Damage: Evaluate the extent of damage caused by the tree roots. Note areas with thin or dead grass, uneven terrain, or holes left behind from root removal.

Remove Debris: Clear any debris, dead roots, or leftover materials from the root removal process. Level the ground as needed.

Reseed or Resod: Depending on the severity of the damage, you may need to reseed or resod the affected areas. Choose grass varieties suitable for your region and soil type.

Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy grass growth in the restored areas. Follow the recommended application rates for the specific product you choose.

Water Adequately: Keep the newly seeded or resodded areas consistently moist until the grass establishes itself. Water deeply and regularly to encourage strong root development.

Lawn Care Practices

Regular Mowing: Maintain a regular mowing schedule, keeping your grass at the recommended height for your chosen grass species. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time.

Proper Watering: Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water to minimize evaporation.

Fertilize and Amend Soil: Continue to fertilize your lawn as recommended for your grass type. Periodically test your soil to ensure it has the right nutrient balance.

Aeration: Consider annual lawn aeration to improve soil compaction and ensure adequate oxygen and nutrient penetration to the root zone.

Weed and Pest Control: Monitor your lawn for weeds and pests and take appropriate measures to control them. A healthy lawn is more resistant to these issues.

Patience and Monitoring

Be Patient: It may take some time for your lawn to fully recover, especially in areas where extensive root damage occurred. Patience is key during the restoration process.

Regular Inspections: Continue to monitor your lawn for any signs of root re-growth or new root issues. Address these promptly to prevent further damage.

Seek Professional Help: If you encounter challenges during the restoration process or are unsure about the health of your lawn, consider consulting with a professional landscaper or lawn care specialist for guidance.


Congratulations! You’ve taken the important steps to remove tree roots from your lawn and restore its health and beauty. Dealing with tree roots can be a challenging process, but with the right knowledge and methods, you can successfully overcome this obstacle. We hope this guide has been informative and helpful in your journey to a healthier and more beautiful lawn. If you have any questions, experiences to share, or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams! Thank you for reading, and we wish you the best of luck with your lawn restoration project.

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